are many, My child, that in these days of contemplation of the sublime mysteries Pecan woefully attack me and laughing at my birth and of My Holy Mother who was a virgin in childbirth, and before and after delivery. My Mother preying attack with her as a result of alcohol and the excesses that give the body that cause them to lose control and mock the holy mystery of my birth and the miraculous way in that my mother gave birth. I, Jesus, I speak.
You see, My child, I'm talking about sad, because when they attack my Holy Mother the damage that make me more painful than when I Myself do. She met at all times the will of My Father, and therefore all worship and glory that is given will never be enough.
But when an ordinary woman stoop to when they say they designed was the work of carnal knowledge, My children, it hurts like I can not imagine because it denigrates the Holy
the entire sky to suffer the ignominy and disrepute that we have to hear about
immediately I could dry language that speaks well, but children prefer yourselves, small group prayer, My small and simple faithful reparéis by these indignities and to offer to the Immaculate Heart of My Mother, I come as a remedy in mind, along with songs that praise and honor. I, Jesus, I speak.
who lovingly and not for routine repair and My Mother, She will not but who would consider Myself, and at the last moment of his life, I will not allow Satan to win the final battle. Because if you consciously honored my mother and repaired their ignominy, when I'll have no consciousness that will ensure that the soul is not lost. I Jesus I speak and I hope to have chosen that day for repairs. There will be My Mother and I though unseen, getting your prayers and hymns. I, Jesus, I speak and I bless you.
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