Sons of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary strives to constantly ask you for prayers and acts of piety and religion, but you are going by leaving your spiritual commitments and devote a pagan entertainment and world affairs.
Now in these next few days to commemorate the mystery of birth of the Son of God, instead of redoubling your meditations and spiritual commitments, letting you go out because you have to go shopping and fill your food pantries for the body, but that's not bad, you must also fill the pantries your souls and feeding heavenly food. I, Spirit God, I speak.
Many of those who throughout the year are faithful to their commitments (spiritual) these days do not meet by engaging in stores , to shop windows, shopping, and tabernacles are becoming increasingly empty, and the Blessed abandoned. I ask you, children of God, you act as you would the Blessed Virgin, though, His perfection will arrive not ever have it, you must imitate as much as possible, because it is the model that Heaven gives and you have the reference where you to base. I, Spirit of God, I speak.
Be Christians at all times, true Christians, true Christians, unnatural light for iluminéis to those around you. This release is for the faithful throughout the year practicing their spiritual commitments, and arrived these days, waste, parked, take vacations. We do not want God, because God wants these days just to receive liturgical extras you, more love, more commitment, more resignation . It costs a lot to you, children of God, but you must try and finish and start the year with more acts of piety, religion and prayer. I, Spirit of God, I speak.
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