My children, do not apeguéis a life that is passing and it is a means to jump to Eternal Life . Be responsible for your actions and do not lose the moral, religious, trustworthiness, in any of your state (life). Each award is an effort to make and if you charge your pay by Having worked in the month, the same goes for eternity. To enter it you have to win and the environment that puts you to win this life is fleeting and that taking it as I want, I open the door to eternal glory and you never taken out of there. I, Jesus, I speak.
not lose faith in My words and gospel, because I brought you the Good New lot easier to make them your way through this life. When the desperate call to your door, grab my Gospel and the teachings leed Eternal Life brought you, that your hope emerges with more strength and go forward with love and firmness. I, Jesus, I speak.
to you My Divine Heart priests, preach hope in the afterlife, but preach it to win it must pass tests that it are ephemeral and nothing compared to Eternal Life. My children, if any of your deceased after having seen what the next life, he was given the opportunity to return it to amend the errors and omissions they had, that they would like for that to climb a rung or so to get rid of both purgatory I, Jesus, I speak.
My children, brothers of My Divine Heart, these communications are to help you more and more to meet my gospel and the commandments, to practice better the sacraments, to love more and better things in the heavens. I, Jesus, I speak.
I know many I love, but you strive to give me a love more perfect, more ardent and I ask that I love without limits or conditions , without worry of every day and I worry I do that. Behold My children, animals and do not care about the every day and graze and drink and survive, you only suffer those men martirizáis or trample. I, Jesus, I speak. So My children, pass this ephemeral living proof as is My will, following My laws and giving me that because God is my duty. I, Jesus, Your Redeemer, I speak. My peace comes to all who read and believe in these messages.
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