is reprehensible the conduct of many priests who use the Sacrament of Penance
Many priests are on paths of perdition and good souls drag those roads that have nothing to do with my teaching, and souls, as under obedience to spiritual direction, obey conduct of life that we approve, that sanctifies and they are not inspired by My Holy Spirit. I, Jesus, I speak.
My children, I find it very painful to have to warn you of this on some confessors, but take caution in your choice because not all priests are good spiritual guides, and you can carry, astray. I, Jesus, I speak. Not all priests are so, so, ask My Holy Spirit you of the confessor who is faithful My server, because if the confessor that you choose me love and fulfill my doctrine, will lead you astray.
See, My children, that priests spend more time on the things of the world that their parishes, and therefore even know My Gospel and preach, not mine, they are the world where you feel at ease and delight. So, the faithful of My Divine Heart, I tell you what I said to my followers, do what you say but do not imitate ( Mt 23, 3-4) because they can say that properly what I desire, but they did not comply and are words devoid of love and zeal, because they only recreate in their rhetoric no matter if they move or not move to the souls, as if they were politicians speak equally well in good political rhetoric, but what moves the soul and evangelization are the words that spring from a loving heart of me, who is faithful in spite of their failings, they cry and suffer for his infidelities, he feels sinful and miserable. Those priests who are so moved to the soul, for his humility and love for me, make them be successful. I, Jesus, I speak.
My peace is in everyone that I love above all things. I, Jesus, I speak and I bless you.
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