My children, you recognize the kings of the earth and know him the reverence for their dignity and protocol that correspond to me why not give me the same and you have left me in the tabernacles, making Temple in gatherings, in an exchange of hugs and greetings without considering my holy and true presence in the Eucharist
My children, that acudís to me to make me all sorts of requests and do not give me acudís worship or revere as King who I am and how God and Lord, Son of the Most High. I abajáis to earthly kings and you will not recognize my Universal as King and Lord. Know that I am powerful because I do you ask your requests and things that only I Almighty I can give, but then I reverenciáis as such and I know ye hidden in the tabernacle
The shepherds of Bethlehem were to worship. They were poor and had needs, but were not to ask for solutions, went to worship God and Lord and as the expected Messiah, and you My children, you know My time on earth, My doctrine, My Gospel My holy and sublime mysteries and you say that you believe, then do not act in line with them and treat me indifferently becoming My Temples in debates, exchanges of anecdotes, hugs, kisses, but do not you behave consistent with the dignity that I have for children, I am God and Lord and King of Heaven and Earth and My Apostle Paul said that to me every knee should bow, in heaven on earth and under the earth, but do not bend your knees before me and every time you give me smaller, more mediocrity. I, Jesus, I speak.
Think that I would try my holy reverence parents Joseph and Mary. Because they would never forget that despite being His child was God and Lord, and My Mother who gave me his flesh and blood, he always had in mind the infinite distance between us is God, but as a man, was so closely Ella. She never forgot my high rank, even when I was small and helpless, even when I had to wash, nursing or care, or when such a wreck I was crucified, and always down his heart to the infinite dignity I had, and that My children is what I ask, that in the Temple not to forget who you are. I, Jesus, I speak and teach you and give peace to all who believe and put into practice these messages.
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