My ministers have to be brave and educated and live closely united to Me. Detached from the things of the world and its attractions, with the willpower to say no when they have to say. Detached from money, generous and humble. These are the ministers that I want.
that I can speak it well in his homilies if they do not deliver what they preach. " So My children, pray and ask me again and again holy and righteous priests. I, Jesus, I speak.
Ask and ye shall receive, says My Gospel, and I will tell you again, presentadme your needs as if I do not know. Do it with great humility, love and constancy, and you will see the fruits of your prayers. When you address me, my Eternal Father or My Holy Mother, guard the modesty and appropriate repairs. You are not talking to a fellow like you, but God Almighty and Mother
Be small to me and to my mother. We attract a lot of small, but we do not remember what you did good, rather ask forgiveness for what you have left undone. Long conversations don't ask me things, because not a lot of verbiage going to get more. It's the heart that should speak for you and see how when you speak your heart the prayer is effective. I, Jesus, I speak.
If you have hatred or bitterness towards other souls, exponedmelos with humility and ask me to help you to overcome them, and hold good provisions for it, because the good will I give glory. So My children, be souls of prayer, constant prayer, prayer for the souls of
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