need children of my heart that each one individually review your professional life (priests). Necessary, my beloved children, let everyone do a general confession and confess sins from his youth or from their childhood. It is necessary, my beloved, that you prepare your souls and I sumerjáis in the deepest humility, to grant them special graces and major gifts.
Some of you will have discernment of spirits. Others will have the gift of prophecy, others shall be My instruments through writing or other charisms. I want to donate to my army with better weapons for your fight against evil and apostasy is fruitful.
My children, you must first climb high down because many of you now I are faithful, you have hidden sins that you must confess with true sorrow for them. I know them and confessed that one day, but I wish now confession again to turn away from your mind the obsession that you still have some of those acts that you embarrass yourselves.
you going to start a new life in a new man. I do not want you to be men but angels. My thanks dear children, to spill ever, because once you are in these provisions, it will let you succumb to temptation and strong that you can drag them into sin.
I will come to live in each one of you and will work in you. I will be who takes your senses and body to reach you in favor of souls and
I want My pastors of the New
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