Heaven and earth will pass away, but a soul will never be extinguished. I, Spirit God, I speak.
Sons of God who live so mired in things material and non-perishable and nourish your soul with words of eternal life, you know to pass all things are now staring your eyes, but your soul does not contemplate, but you do not see there, that will never happen and where you, the you have directed in this life, heaven or hell, she will live forever , eternally, eternally . I, Spirit of God, I speak.
This single reflection should bastaros to amend your lives, to free you from the sins that shackle you to ask forgiveness from God and how you keep grudges and hatreds. This single consideration should be for you gear shift and the beginning of a life in the commandments of God, but you leave it for a day and another and another, and do not enmendáis though My grace is your turn again and again but the ignorant and sofocáis with worldly things and you leave your conversion paralyzed, to follow crooked ways and eternal damnation. I, Spirit of God, I speak.
Children of Eve, do not be foolish or escojáis eternal damnation. Compare what is the duration of this life with the eternal. Compare and evaluate trade-offs that do change eternity for passengers and sinful pleasures you lead to perdition. Where is your intelligence? Where your thoughts? Where your wisdom? You have become so stupid that they no longer know how to look beyond the material and ephemeral, and so, lost every day hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of souls, as you foolishly thought. I, Spirit of God, I speak.
and tell you why? If you will not take cognizance, or believe. I say to change his life!, Return to God Almighty and His commandments!, Do not be carried away by the currents of the world and the wiles of hell with Satan at their head. Return to God Almighty Father and true lover of you, because at least think can be late, as will your time come to account to the Eternal Judge. Now you can mend and change course, now you can turn to God and like the prodigal son, humble yourself and apologize. I, Spirit of God, I speak.
Almighty God's peace be with all who read and implement these messages.
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