The judgments of God are immutable and are from all eternity. I Divine Spirit, I speak.
want to sanctify souls and win
My children, that wisdom has a soul as big as conform and accept the will of God. To circumvent it is to deceive, and deprive himself of merits and virtues, whose fruits will be eternal. I, Spirit of God, I speak.
Your Heavenly Father knows from before you create the most appropriate way to return to Him and live forever in joy, giving any merit in this got life, and the greatest of all is to accept unconditionally the will of God because it is to fulfill that desire for what you created you and gave the values \u200b\u200bor skills you have. And just as a bicycle is not designed to carry large loads, so that God's will is being put into use the capacity or talents that God gave and for what it did. I, Spirit of God, I speak.
you think many meanly that God shows no mercy to you and asks you what is most difficult, but any way in this life has its disappointments and regrets, therefore, accept diligently the path for which God has chosen you and I created and will see the prize that awaits to do His divine will is unique and worthwhile.
You must educate children from an early age the importance of the will of God, for not teaching this is private property which may be eternal. There should be no violence, nor troubled by the will of God is the way it is, rather, must be abandoned in His arms and accept each day as your heavenly Father has prepared for every soul in particular.
So God's children, ye shall ask in your prayers this insight to know each day the will of God, and remember the hope and certainty, that in the afterlife will see the fruits and bliss that I won the fulfillment of His divine will. I, Spirit of God, I speak and I instructed. The peace of God Almighty is always with everyone.
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