are many who believe they have found peace and happiness in mind-altering substances is not the case. These people live in an underworld, and every time, sink deeper into that world where they seek happiness and a state that only God Almighty can give them. I, Jesus, I speak.
My children, do not judge those who take drugs or living engaged in a vice, because they are your brothers who are the wrong way, and instead choose the path that leads to Me, chose the opposite of me, so My children, hold fast much sympathy for them too am I, and you think that you could have been one of them.
Those people who are trapped in the darkness of a vice, deserve your compassion, love and mercy more than anyone, they reached such extremes because sought to be happy and wrong. Now bear the consequences of his error and some are sanctified in this way. Yes, children themselves, many of them are sanctified because they carry a heavy cross and have to endure marginalization and downs of his contemporaries and feel alone, forgotten and rejected , because many families were left up. I, Jesus, I speak. But I, Merciful Jesus, do not leave and I also in my heart. I agree with their vices and addictions and love as well.
My son is true that other are in these situations because they rejected My grace and they are wicked and do not want any kind of holiness. Live by and for the body and give all sorts of delights, but those only know I, hence, do not reject anyone, because many, many of those poor unfortunates who are victims of such additions, pronounced My Holy Name more love, reverence and respect that many of you who believe (good) Christians. I Jesus, I speak.
My Holy Mother Pray for those creatures that also are His children. Remember to Good Thief as He asked me not forget in My Kingdom, for this reason I ask I of you, do not forget to drug addicts, alcoholics, those who fall again and again in services, in the paths of darkness, because by them I also gave my Precious Blood and the present I My Cross. I, Jesus, I speak. Peace be forever for anyone reading these messages are put into practice.
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