Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Nose Looks Bad In An Angle

who has a mission to be spending all their time and all his forces in this mission

Eyes and ears must be constantly alert to be ready at all times to God's will, I Jesus, I speak.

My children you have in hand to undertake missions for Heaven you submitter, you must be very alert to the circumstances which My Holy Spirit also speaks to you. Analyse all, do not despise anything that happens to you, because in a fact or anecdote that you live can be the answer to many of the doubts and uncertainties that come to you. I, Jesus, I speak.

who has a mission to be spending all their time and all his forces in this mission. I do not ask to be employed otherwise than that mission. See My children, as I was to land and had the mission of redeem. Slavery could be eradicated but I did not. I could have spent on other things, but I did not. I got hired to do at every moment that my father was appointed, and so you must do the same. See, My children, my mortal enemy wants to distract you with other missions that are not asking you to Heaven and an angel of light to confuse and turn away from my true will. So My children, be alert at all times of what happens to you and everything in you to undertake, for you must only employ in the mission that I ask and no other work with that being holy and good, not what I ask.

My children, do not be discouraged when things do not go as you would wish, I do not or I will deny you My grace is far from the will have in abundance for the tasks I ask. You will My grace and power to do so, but you must put what is on your side and be alert at all not relax, not spread them, putting everything in the hands of My Holy Mother, that she is more attached to you than you think. This I say to all souls that have missions to accomplish, but do not lay your unworthy human criteria signals, insights and circumstances which Heaven has given you, because if you put in your account will cost much more to achieve and even spoiled.

Come My children, come to My tabernacle and consultadme, tell me things like I knew nothing, but children, not be discouraged, do not be discouraged when you have a Mi Me Your Redeemer willing to do anything for you. I, Jesus, I speak and I bless you.


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