Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pruritis Ani Chinese Medicine

I heavenly angel who speaks to you and the Almighty sent me to bring you this release

centuries to come will ever supernatural light Holy Mother Church . I, the spirit of Heaven, I speak.

Sons of God, there will be a new dawn in Holy Mother Church which is like a preview of what awaits those souls who are living God and His laws. I heavenly spirit, I speak.

will separate the wheat from the chaff, so that the earth and look the new earthly paradise, because things are what God Almighty has wished they were provided. But to get to this point that is closest ever, children of God, still have to pass tests and tribulations, many of those already announced and others that desconocéis. I heavenly spirit, I speak.

will live the New Jerusalem because there will be a great renewal in Holy Mother Church, and priests, will be holy and live in total surrender his ministry, because those priests who serve Satan more than God, to be uprooted from Church and put in place that they chose to allow treason and sin. I heavenly spirit, I speak.

a heavenly angel I'm speaking to you and the Almighty sent me to bring you this release, so children of God, you must prepared to suffer tribulation and sorrow, but those same troubles if superáis faith in Almighty God, you prepare for the coming of an era of peace and harmony, where the Most High God will be recognized as such and will serve as He corresponds in worship and truth. I heavenly spirit, I speak.

Sons of God, call upon all your holy Guardian Angels , you have them to guide you and help you in the ways of God. Do not forget to present them and hold fast, and they shall be as at the time of tribulation and testing, help you to stay on the road and in successful repairs.

Pray to Mary, Queen of the Angels and Mother of the Church . She will ever mission that nobody else can take and His help and power are unmatched. I heavenly spirit, I speak to you and counsel.

God Almighty bless all who read these messages are implemented. The peace of God Almighty be with you all.


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